Færsluflokkur: Bloggar
4.5.2011 | 22:56
24.3.2011 | 19:55
FUNDUR - 27. mars 2011
Fundur í Strandgötu (nýja þjónustuhúsið við eimskip) klukkan 13:00
Allir að mæta, skipuleggjum sumarið,
skoðum æfingahúsnæði og margt fleira.
17.2.2011 | 18:20
Fundur á laugardaginn 19. febrúar klukkan 13:00 í þjónustuhúsinu í Strandgötu. Nýjir meðlimir velkomnir.
15.2.2011 | 16:38
19.1.2011 | 21:41
Fundir hefjast að nýju!
Það verður haldin fundur á laugardaginn 29. janúar eftir full langa pásu.Vonandi sjáum við sem flesta. Til að bæta upp fyrir litla virkni undanfarið set ég link inn á síðu hjá manni sem er að smíða fyrir mig lítið sax og ég mæli sérstaklega með honum.
19.11.2010 | 15:54
7.11.2010 | 01:16
Leðursaumur ATH.
24.10.2010 | 18:12
11.10.2010 | 18:57
Viking Helmets
As to my puchase of my first Viking Helmet i thought I should include a small article and a picture of that handsome thing
"Today there is only one known example of a Viking helmet in existence. This Viking helmet was made of iron and was in the shape of a rounded or peaked cap made from four plates after the spangenhelm pattern, and was excavated from Gjermundbu, Norway, and dated to the 10th century. Gjermundbu is located in Haugsbygda, a village in Ringerike municipality, northeast of the center of Hønefoss, in Buskerud, Norway. This helmet has a rounded cap and has a "spectacle" guard around the eyes and nose which formed a sort of mask, in addition to a possible mail aventail. The eyeguard in particular suggests a close affinity with the earlier Vendel period helmets. From runestones and other illustrations, we know the Vikings also wore simpler helmets, often peaked caps with a simple noseguard. Vikings didn't actually wear helmets with horns mounted on them, but illustrations from the 19th Century popularized this representation"
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking_Age_arms_and_armour
3.10.2010 | 19:02
Weapon Trainings
Not quite what was espected, hope there will be a better turnout the next time....vona að það verði betri mæting næst :P
We where few but we tossed some ideas around and tought a new guy to swing a sword. Next practice is sunday the 17th.at 13:00
Vorum 6 alls og hentum nokkrum hugmyndum á milli okkar en lítið annað. Næsta æfing er Sunnudaginn 17október kl.13:00